Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hao. Hello. This bes Sam again. Mummy say Sam can has a update so we gonna do it! These picture bes kinda old but they still cute. Hao yeah shit yeah Sammy real cute!

Hao. Hello. Sammy the baby!

Singlet Sam!

Shit this chair bes really really big. Sammy the boss!

Hao hello. Where the food???

This bes Virginia. Sammy call her Ginia. She in daddy's packpack! She teach Sam stuff also she like Wikipedia a lot GEEZ, she use it all the time. She also tell on Sam. GEEZ. Sammy no like that!

This is Feeb! Daddy think she look re-tard, Sammy like to scare daddy with Feeb. hahahahahahaha aw shit! Sammy singlet has Yo Gabba Gabba!

Hao. Sammy love Toot, Tootie D and Mr. Pillow. Mr. Pillow say do your homework!